
Investment downturn in surgical instruments: a core challenge for Sterilization Centers

One of the foremost challenges for Sterilization Center leaders is accurately pinpointing the location of each item, whether surgical instruments, medical products, sets, or trays, at any given moment. The ability to trace these items correctly is not just a matter of operational efficiency but also a critical investment in instruments, which rank among the five most costly financial assets for healthcare institutions. In this regard, Interlab’s software for traceability and management of surgical instruments and medical devices plays a pivotal role, effectively fulfilling this need.

Traceability of surgical instruments offers multiple benefits that directly impact the management and performance of surgical instruments and medical devices. Here are some key points:

Optimized material performance
Through traceability, it becomes possible to accurately track the lifespan of a material and reasons for any decline. This detailed tracking enables more efficient use of materials, optimizing their performance and reducing waste.

Enhanced material tracking
The ability to trace every step of the sterilization and usage process provides complete visibility into the methods and instances to which instruments have been subjected—from where they’ve been, where they are, to where they should go next. Moreover, once out of the Sterilization Center, details such as the type of procedure performed, the healthcare professional involved, and the surgery start and end times can be known. This information is vital for identifying potential improvements in material management processes.

Precise count of processing cycles
Each material has a defined lifespan. Knowing how many sterilization processes a material has undergone helps evaluate whether it has reached its expected end-of-life or if any aspect of the process has accelerated its deterioration. This information is essential for making informed decisions regarding reuse, managing preventive maintenance routines, or replacing materials.

Supplier evaluation
Detailed tracking and knowledge of processing counts enable institutions to evaluate the performance of their material suppliers. This data-driven evaluation ensures the maintenance of high quality in surgical instruments, contributing to better outcomes in medical procedures.

In conclusion, investing in Interlab’s traceability software not only enhances the operational efficiency of Sterilization Centers but also ensures optimal and extended use of surgical instruments, thereby guaranteeing high-quality medical care and reducing long-term costs.